James Retallack


     Other Essays in Refereed Journals and Multi-Authored Collections, 1984-2003



·   “Introduction” (coauthored with Geoff Eley) in Wilhelminism and Its Legacies, ed. Eley and Retallack (2003), pp. 1-15.


·   Philanthropy und politische Macht in deutschen Kommunen” [Philanthropy and Political Power in German Cities] (coauthored with Thomas Adam), in Zwischen Markt und Staat, ed. Adam and Retallack (2002), pp. 106-138.


·   “‘Under the name of a constitution…’ British Diplomatic Reports from Germany in the Nineteenth Century,” in Figuren und Strukturen. Historische Essays für Hartmut Zwahr zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Manfred Hettling, Uwe Schirmer, and Susanne Schötz (Munich, 2002), pp. 621-643.


·   “Deutsche Demagogie vor und nach dem Umbruch 1918/19” [German Demagoguery Before and After the Watershed of 1918/19], in Deutsche Umbrüche im 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Dietrich Papenfuß and Wolfgang Schieder (Cologne, Weimar, Vienna, 2000), pp. 163-172.


·   "Einleitung. Sachsen und Deutschland, Sachsen in Deutschland" [Introduction:  Saxony and Germany, Saxony in Germany], in Sachsen in Deutschland, ed. Retallack (2000), pp. 11-32.


·   "Herrenmenschen und Demagogentum. Konservative und Antisemiten in Sachsen und Baden” [Authoritarian Types and Demagoguery:  Conservatives and Antisemites in Saxony and Baden], in Sachsen in Deutschland, ed. Retallack (2000), pp. 115-141.


·   “Suffrage Reform, Corporatist Society, and the Authoritarian State: Saxon Transitions in the 1860s,” in Saxony in German History, ed. Retallack (2000), pp. 215-234.  


·   Kultur, Politik und regionenbezogene Identifikationsprozesse: Neuere Forschungen zum Thema ‚Sachsen in Deutschland’” [Culture, Politics, and Regionally-Conditioned Processes of Identification:  New Research on the Theme ‘Saxony in Germany’], in Comparativ,  vol. 10, no. 1 (2000), pp. 112-131.


·   “Demagogentum, Populismus, Volkstümlichkeit. Überlegungen zur ‚Popularitätshascherei’ auf dem politischen Massenmarkt des Kaiserreichs” [Demagoguery, Populism, and Popular Appeal:  Reflections on ‘Fishing for Popularity’ in the Political Mass Market of Imperial Germany], in Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 48, no. 4 (2000), pp. 309-325.


·   “Saxon Signposts: Cultural Battles, Identity Politics, and German Authoritarianism in Transition,” in Saxon Signposts, ed. Retallack (1999), pp. 455-469.


·   “Politische Kultur in der Region” [Political Culture in the Regions], in Politische Kultur in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa, ed. Werner Bramke with Thomas Adam (Leipzig, 1999), pp. 15-46.

·   6 articles in Modern Germany. An Encyclopedia of History, People, and Culture, 1871-1990, 2 vols., ed. Dieter K. Buse and Juergen C. Doerr (New York, 1998).

·   “Die ‘liberalen’ Konservativen?  Konservatismus und Antisemitismus im industrialisierten Sachsen” [The ‘Liberal’ Conservatives?  Conservatism and Antisemitism in Industrialized Saxony], in Sachsen im Kaiserreich. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Umbruch, ed. Simone Lässig and Karl Heinrich Pohl (Weimar, Cologne, Vienna: Böhlau-Verlag, 1997), pp. 134-150.

·   “Politische Kultur, Wahlkultur, Regionalgeschichte:  Methodologische Überlegungen am Beispiel Sachsens und des Reiches” [Political Culture, Electoral Culture, Regional History:  Methodological Reflections With Respect to Saxony and the Empire], in Modernisierung und Region, ed. Lässig, Pohl, and Retallack (1995), pp. 15-38.  (2nd rev. ed. 1998).

·   “Ein glückloser Parteiführer in Bismarcks Diensten – Otto von Helldorff-Bedra (1833-1908)” [An Unsuccessful Party Leader in Bismarck’s Service – Otto von Helldorff Bedra], in Konservative Politiker in Deutschland: Eine Auswahl biographischer Porträts aus zwei Jahrhunderten, ed. Hans-Christof Kraus (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1995), pp. 185-203.

·   “The Road to Philippi: The Conservative Party and Bethmann Hollweg’s ‘Politics of the Diagonal’ 1909-1914,” in Jones and Retallack, eds., Between Reform, Reaction, and Resistance (1993), pp. 261-298.

·   “German Conservatism Reconsidered:  Old Problems and New Directions,” co-authored with Larry Eugene Jones, in Jones and Retallack, eds., Between Reform, Reaction, and Resistance (1993), pp. 1-30.

·   “Political Mobilization and Collective Identities in Modern German History,” co-authored with Larry Eugene Jones, in Jones and Retallack, eds., Elections,  Mass Politics, and Social Change in Modern Germany (1992), pp. 1-13.

·   “Wilhelmine Germany,” chapter in Gordon Martel, ed., Modern Germany Reconsidered 1870-1945 (London and New York:  Routledge, 1992), pp. 33-53.

·   “‘Ideology without Vision’?  Recent Literature on Nineteenth-Century German Conservatism,”  Bulletin of the German Historical Institute London 13, no. 2 (May 1991), pp. 3-22.

·   “Anti-Semitism, Conservative Propaganda, and Regional Politics in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany,” German Studies Review 11,  no. 3 (October 1988), pp. 377-403.

·    “Social History with a Vengeance?  Some Reactions to H.-U. Wehler’s Das Deutsche Kaiserreich,” German Studies Review 7, no. 3 (October 1984), pp. 423-450 (awarded the Best Article prize for 1986 by the German Studies Association and the German Academic Exchange Service).

This information is provided by the Department of History at the University of Toronto.
All contents © 2001-2018 James Retallack and the University of Toronto. All rights reserved.

Last Updated: 12 February 2018.